IES en Lenguas Vivas "Juan R. Fernández"

Profesorado en Inglés

Gramática II


Silvia Iummato

Apuntes de Gaby Modroff, año 2002:

Summary of Radford

History I

Cristina García Fernández


Apuntes de Olga Torres Morel, año 2006:

ProgramaContenidos y lecturas generalesOrden de lecturas orientativasChronologyTables (hojas sueltas) 1er cuatrimestre;Wars and Info, 1er cuatrimestre

Por orden cronológico:

Schultz, Ch.1 (The Foundations of England); Emperadores, 1er cuatrimestre; Craig:  Ch 6. Imperial Rome 1Imperial Rome 2 ;  Ch. 13 - Decline and Fall of the Empire in the WestC GILDAS: The Ruin of BritainAnglo Saxon Chronicle; Schultz, Ch. 2 (The Anglo Saxon Supremacy)Craige, Ch. 14 - The High Middle AgesCraige, Ch. 16 - Late Middle Ages; Craig, Ch. 17 - Late Middle Ages; DAVIS, History of Medieval Europe; CANTOR: Feudal Organization of Society;Preface to Gutenberg; BEDE, History of the English Church and PeopleScandinavian SettlementSchultz, Ch. 3 (The French Kings)The Anglo-Norman stateLegal Constituents of Medieval Civilization; Schultz, Ch. 5 (King and Parliament)Edward ICoronation Charter and Magna CartaSchultz Ch. 6 & 7 (Lancaster and York)Schultz Ch. 8 (Elizabethan England)

Bibliografía por orden alfabético:

BAGLEY et al: Coronation Charter and Magna Carta

CANTOR: Feudal Organization of Society

CRAIG:  Ch 6. Imperial Rome 1Imperial Rome 2; Ch. 13 - Decline and Fall of the Empire in the WestCh. 14 - The High Middle AgesCh. 16 - Late Middle AgesCh. 17 - Late Middle Ages;

DAVIS, History of Medieval Europe

GILDAS: The Ruin of Britain

LITTLE: Preface to Gutenberg

SCHULTZ: Ch.1 (The Foundations of England)Ch. 2 (The Anglo Saxon Supremacy)Ch. 3 (The French Kings)Ch. 4 (Medieval Society)Ch. 5 (King and Parliament)Ch. 6 & 7 (Lancaster and York)Ch. 8 (Elizabethan England)

Lengua Inglesa III

Fernando Lasala Quintana

Schedule of Work

Literatura Inglesa I

Gabriela Masson

Apuntes de Romi Navarro, año 2007:

BURGESS, English Literature: Primera partesegunda parte


Apuntes de Romina Amoedo, año 2006:

BEOWULFGrendel, song by Marillion

CHAUCER, Canterbury Tales: General PrologueThe Wife of Bath;The Pardoner's Tale

SHAKESPEARE, Twelfth Night

Literatura Inglesa II

Paula D'Alessandro

Apuntes de Gaby Modroff, 2010:

Blake, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience

Christabel's Preface

Coleridge, Chrisabel

James Joyce, Araby

T.S. Eliot, Poems

T. S. Eliot, The Sacred Wook: Essays on Poetry and Criticism

Thomas Hardy, Poems

Apuntes de Mariana Passo, 2004:

Stream of Consciousness

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